Yoga with Sally

Iyengar Yoga Classes in Christchurch and Online

Frequently Asked Questions


What happens in the class?

Before the class begins students may let the teacher know of any ailments or injuries.  The class begins sitting down. The teacher will take you through a series of different standing and sitting poses, carefully explaining how to get in and out of each pose  Props like foam pads, bricks and belts maybe used to help students safely improve their pose.  Towards the end of the class there is a period of lying down in savasana which allows the body to relax, let go of any tension and integrate what has been experienced and learnt during the class.

what kit do I need?

An ideal kit bag would include, a non slip mat, two bricks, four foam pads, two belts, a blanket and a bolster.  Positioning yourself against a wall and having a chair handy is useful for online lessons.


what should I wear?

Comfortable clothing, the stretchier the material the better. Shorts or leggings are ideal as they allow the teacher to see how the muscles of the legs are working, and how the bones are aligned.  This all feeds back into the teaching.