Yoga with Sally

Iyengar Yoga Classes in Christchurch and Online

Happy New Year - Yoga classes start up again 8 January

Tuesday classes will begin up again tonight, 8 January 8-930pm.

The term will run through until 16 April, with a half term break on 19 February.

If you would like to pay in advance for the term at the reduced rate of £8/class, the total will be £112 for the term, or £48 for the first half of term. Otherwise, £10 drop in £6.50 concessions.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

New term dates

A new block will start up 11 September 2018 and run for 14 weeks, last week of term being 18 December.  Half term and no class 23 October 2018.  

If you would like to pay for a term or half term block to take advantage of the cheaper rate, payment can be made in cash, by cheque or online (details to follow).

Classes will run over the summer on a drop in basis.